Jeremy riding the flow in Upper Uncompahgre
Jeremy Beltran
When I was 15 years old my brother hooked me to a static line and convinced me to run Aussie style off the edge of rappel rock in Tucson, AZ (A 300' overhung monster and a first rappel that will never be forgotten). With feet back on the ground and still shaking from adrenaline........ I was hooked! Since that day, training, getting out into the back-country, and hanging from ropes has been a part of my life. Exploratory canyons are some of my favorite recreational trips as the extremely limited information often challenges the problem solving, rope work, and ingenuity of the group on many occasions.
Organizing local training/practice sessions made me realize how much I enjoyed helping others learn new skills or help to improve and refine what they already had in the toolbox. I am currently certified from the "American Canyoneering Association " as a Pro Canyon Guide as well as a Wilderness First Responder through the "National Outdoor Leadership School".